i - Intro To Me

Hello, and greetings! My name is Blaise Timmons, I'm a second year student, but this is my first year at LBCC. Before LBCC I attended Barton Community College, Fort Leavenworth Kansas, I moved with my family to Brownsville Oregon at the beginning of June. Right now I am working at Carlson's lumber yard and hardware store. I also just applied at Dutch Bros, I like coffee too much to not apply, and I worked there once before in Ashland Oregon. Growing up the son of a national guard officer we moved a few times, here is a list: Fort Benning GA, Ashland OR, Fort Leavenworth KS, Brownsville OR. If I had to pick a favorite place to live it would be Ashland, a small town on a beautiful mountain. 

How about I tell you what I like to do for fun? Right now I skate board, it's a fantastic way to meet new people and it makes me happy to land tricks, it is my goal to be a good role model for the young guys at the skate park. Somewhere I have written down a personal goal to learn all board sports, once I master skating I think I'll try surfing. Other than skate boarding I enjoy vibey music. This fall I have a personal goal to attempt learning the piano. Music is so powerful and fun, I want to be able to play it for myself and especially for the enjoyment of others. Over the summer my older brother and I started a business. We roast coffee, sell online, stake out farmers markets, and do what we can to keep the business going and get our name out to the public. Owning a business is rewarding, yet hard. Rewarding, because people get excited about being a part of our dream to open a coffee shop and roastery. Hard, because everything is new, and sometimes a little scary. Our business is called Rad Roasters, keep your eye out for us at local markets.

In an effort to run the business better I am going for a business degree in accounting. Accounting is not my strong suit, but I believe it will pay off and help me get a job. A little challenge makes life exciting. In marketing this semester I hope to learn helpful tools that will enhance Rad Roasters social media. I also want to take this class because I enjoy the marketing side of business. Very excited to be learning as much as possible about developing, analyzing, and generating a good marketing strategy :)






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